Kuehner Provides $15 Million for Personalized Cardiovascular Research

Kuehner Provides $15 Million for Personalized Cardiovascular Research

In order to strengthen Washington University’s ability to advance lifesaving discoveries that transform heart disorders into manageable conditions, alumnus Kim Kuehner has committed $15 million to establish and endow the Kim D. Kuehner Program for Personalized Cardiovascular Medicine in the School of Medicine.

Pledge Brings Farrells’ Support for Alzheimer’s Disease Research to $10 Million

A personal connection inspired Emeritus Trustee David Farrell and his late wife, Betty, to provide generous support for Alzheimer’s disease research at Washington University. Their latest pledge brings the Farrells’ total contributions for Alzheimer’s research at the university to $10 million. The gift will provide expendable funds to further the work of faculty members who are investigating the tau protein, which has emerged as a major culprit in Alzheimer’s.