In fall 2022, Washington University introduced the William H. Danforth Leadership Society (WHDLS), which acknowledges benefactors whose lifetime contributions to the university total $1 million or more. Members of the WHDLS embody the generous spirit of the society’s namesake and carry on the former chancellor’s legacy through their commitment to WashU’s mission.
“These are exciting days for the university,” says Trustee Beau Brauer, the society’s first president. “Our research has never been stronger or more distinguished. We continue to set world standards for patient care. And our students are thriving. We are extremely grateful to our WHDLS donors. Like WashU’s founders, they provide resources, flexibility, and encouragement for the university to meet its mission.”
WHDLS members receive a host of exclusive benefits. These include special programming and campus experiences highlighting the impact of their philanthropy as well as opportunities for future support. And in spring 2024, members will be invited to a new Hidden Spaces Lecture Series offering an insider’s view into major university initiatives, research, and breakthroughs.
Last month, the Board of Trustees officially conferred membership to the society’s inaugural donor class.
William H. Danforth Leadership Society
* Indicates donor is deceased
George & Carol Bauer
Ms. Carol Ann Baum
Dr. Charles Michael Baum
Mr. Peter T. Baumann
Deborah Beckmann & Jacob Kotzubei
Robert Rock Belliveau
James Berges & Elizabeth Mannen Berges
John D. & Crystal L. Beuerlein
John & Penelope* Biggs
Ms. Marcia Billhartz
Christopher & Dawn Bloise
Todd & Barbara Bluedorn
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bodine
Carl & Shirley* Bohl
Ms. Sarah L. Boles & Mr. David Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Blackford Fitzhugh Brauer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Brauer
Mr. Donald E. Brown
Ms. Edie Brown
Pamela Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Bryant Jr.
Joyce & Chauncy Buchheit
Sister Madonna Buder
Andrew M. & Jane M. Bursky
Mr. Louis V. Caputo
Caroline & Howard Cayne
Maxine Clark & Bob Fox
Robert G. & Dr. Jane Limcuando Clark
David & Paulina Conner
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Yvonne Cordell
Mrs. Anne Cori
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin J. Cornwell Jr.
Debra & George W. Couch III
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Curby Jr.
John Dains
John C. Danforth
Joann & Nathan Dardick
Dr. & Mrs. Santanu Das
Mrs. Janet Sue Davie
Ms. Lynn Des Prez
Mr. Stephen Distler
John Dubinsky
Yvette Drury Dubinsky
Robert H. & Lorraine F.* Duesenberg
Mr. Suren G. Dutia
Hope Edison
Ms. Victoria L. Eichinger
Richard G. & Diane Engelsmann
Dr. Ronald & Mrs. Hanna B. Evens
Mrs. Anne Feighner
Lauren & Lee Fixel
Mr. Jeffrey T. Fort
John Fox
Marcella Fox
The Honorable & Mrs. Sam Fox
Mr. & Mrs.* Donald R. Frahm
Mrs. Ann Fertig Freedman
Mr. Robert L. Freedman
Robert & Barbara Frick
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Frieden
Dr. Thomas F. Frist Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Charles S. Fullgraf
Eric & Nancy Garen
Ms. Judith A. Garson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Glick
Ms. Dorian S. Goldman
Andrea J. Grant & Selig S. Merber
Mrs. Karole Green
Mrs. Nancy Green
Ms. Jas K. Grewal
Dr. David V. Habif Jr.
Nancy Lippman Halis & Jeffrey Halis
Professor Joan M. Hall
John & Carol Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hance Jr.
Whitney R.* & Anna Harris
Mrs. F. Lee Hawes
Professor & Mrs. R.H. Helmholz
Robert Hernreich
Tom & Jennifer Hillman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Holden
Diana Holway
Scott T. Homan & Christine Jubel Homan
Mr. J. Russell Hornsby
Mrs. Sherry Hornsby
Mary Curtis Horowitz
Dr. & Mrs. Shi Hui Huang
Mr. Marvin Israelow
Jay & Kelly Jacobs
Kathy Lee James
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Alan Jubel
Gene & Connie Kahn
David & Dorothy Kemper
Dr. Roxanne Kendall
Judy & Jerry Kent
Dennis & Barbara Kessler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kilo
Stephany & Richard Kniep
Joanne Knight
Paul A. & Elke E. Koch
Roger & Fran Koch
Nancy Spirtas Kranzberg & Kenneth S. Kranzberg
Kim D. Kuehner
Mr. Joseph S. Lacob
Dr. James Langenfeld
Lewis A. & Leslee F. Levey
Mark J. & Becky R. Levin
Ms. Georgie W. Lewis
Carol B. Loeb
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Carl Loewentheil
Steve & Susie Lowy
Mr. Wing-Yee Wayne Lu
Mr. & Mrs. John Peters MacCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Mahoney
Dr. & Mrs. John Adelbert Maksem
Charmaine Mallinckrodt
Tracey C. & William J. Marshall
Mark E. Mason
Richard P. & Yasuko S. Mattione
Susan B. McCollum
Elizabeth H. & James S. McDonnell III
John & Anne McDonnell
Mr. W. Patrick McGinnis
Mr. & Mrs. James M. McKelvey Jr.
David W. Mesker*
Walter & Cynthia Metcalfe
Laurence H. Meyer & Florence K. Meyer
Steven B. Miller, MD & Victoria J. Fraser, MD
Merry L. Mosbacher & James E. Mosbacher Jr.
Ralph J. Nagel & Trish M. Nagel
Dr. William B. Neaves
Philip & Sima Needleman
Mrs. Michael F. (Noémi) Neidorff
Andrew & Peggy Newman
Michael N. & Barbara D. Newmark
Cash & Evie Nickerson
Andrea & Tony Nocchiero
Mr. Peter Norton
Rhoda Kahn Nussbaum
Mr. James V. O’Donnell
Ms. Jann Paul
Dr. Steven Paul
Ms. Nathalie Pettus
Mr. Roy Pfautch
Gordon & Susie Philpott
Jane Hardesty Poole
Michael & Tana Powell
Dr. Arthur & Vivian* Prensky
Emily Rauh Pulitzer
Dr. Mabel L. Purkerson
Mr. Steven N. Rappaport
Betsy & Sam Reeves
Paula C. & Rodger O. Riney
Richard & Linda Ritholz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Rubin
Mrs. Linda Saligman
Ron & Ellen Saslow
Ms. Janet L. Scarpelli
Mr. Michael P. Scarpelli
Mrs. Samuel E. Schechter
Dr. James & Joan Schiele
Craig & Nancy Schnuck
Mr. Scott C. & Mrs. Julia M.* Schnuck
Steven & Ellen Segal
Mr. Harry J. Seigle
Mrs. Claire Shaeffer
Ms. Janet D. Sharpless
Mr. Karl B. Sharpless
Shirley B. Sher
Drs. Barry A. & Marilyn J. Siegel
Drs. David F.* & Shirley W. Silbert
Mr. Fred Simmons
Alvin & Ruth Siteman
Bob Skandalaris
Dr. Eduardo Slatopolsky
Mr. Martin K. Sneider
Barrie Bridgewater Somers & Nicholas E. Somers
Mr. E. Roe Stamps IV
Mr. & Mrs. Max S. Stern
David & Thelma Steward
Barry & Sherri Stowe
Gary M. Sumers
Andrew C. & Barbara B. Taylor
Barbara Schaps Thomas & David M. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Thomas
Mr. Lawrence Earl Thomas
Ann & Andrew Tisch
Joyce Tyler
Dr. & Mrs. P. Roy Vagelos
Mr. & Mrs.* Daniel C. Viehmann
Gerry & Bob Virgil
Ms. Marei von Saher
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Wack
John P. Wareham
Shinichiro & Cissy Pao Watari
Mrs. Anabeth Weil
Mr. John Weil
Mrs. Sandra J. Werner
Roma Broida Wittcoff
Howard & Marilyn Wood
Jess & Alice Yawitz
Mr. Peter Leung-Tung & Mrs. Lin Young
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Zetcher
Learn more about the Danforth Leadership Society and the university’s other giving clubs for donors.